Opening Hours: Mon - Tues : 8.00 am - 4.00 pm, Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday Closed



About Us

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About Us

Our overall goal is supported by three enabling commitments:
Resources: We will increase our resources to enable us to maximise reach and impact on our beneficiaries.
Collaboration: We will achieve greater impact on communities through improved collaboration with others.
Organization: We will align our operations to our common programme-led goal as a united and effective organization.

Our Vision

NCDO seeks to see people living in South Sudan transformed and having a brighter future.

Our Mission

NCDO seeks to provide clean and safe water, formal education, community empowerment, through a holistic approach to all the recipients without racial, political, gender or religious discrimination.

Management Capacity

NCDO South Sudan Board of Directors is responsible for the governability of the Agency in South Sudan. The Country Director is the Chief Executive Officer answering directly to the Board. He is supported by the Finance Manager in charge of the regulations and proper management of funds, and the Program Manager responsible for the operational aspects and projects implementations of the agency in South Sudan.

Core Mandate

To NCDO it includes, not limited to:
a) Provision of adequate water and sanitation;
b) Inclusive education (Education for all);
c) Community development;
d) Faith growth through Christian Ministry.

Our keys for development

NCDO cherishes
a) Stewardship and commitment;
b) Team work and unity;
c) Collaboration and integration;and
d) Good conduct in service.


NCDO South Sudan introduces a model in the community –involving advocacy where the community is stimulated through public dialogues to identify, analyse, prioritise, create solutions, plan and implement them. NCDO South Sudan works to ensure that advocacy efforts are undertaken in relevant forums and seek to promote that all actors or stakeholders understand the roles and functions related to civil society actors.

--- We exist to serve ---

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Hai Jebel/Tarawa Juba – South Sudan



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