Opening Hours: Mon - Tues : 8.00 am - 4.00 pm, Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday Closed



What We Do

Home What
Thematic Areas

Sustainable Livelihoods
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Humanitarian and Disaster response
Environment and Climate Change.
Governance and Advocacy
Education in Emergency
Early Childhood Development
Informal and formal TVET
General protection
Inclusive peace and reconciliation
S/GBV prevention and response
Child protection
Primary and Public Health Care
Integration of Persons with disabilities into programming
Institutional Development & Capacity Building.

Impact Groups in S. Sudan

Vulnerable South Sudanese children (0-18 years of age);
South Sudanese IDPs and returnees;
South Sudanese youth with a special focus on vulnerable, marginalised, economically and socially underprivileged and at risk groups;
Malnourished children;
Women and girls;
S/GBV survivors –women and girls;
Women, men, boys, and girls living with disabilities;
Women and girls under 18 years of age from following group/s: single, pregnant, lactating mothers, female heads of households;
Young women under 35 years of age;
South Sudanese women who experience particular food and nutritional insecurity and who are highly dependent on land and natural resources;
In and out of school adolescent girls, between 10 to 18 years of age, at high risk of early marriage, drop out of school; unwanted pregnancies and other forms of abuse and /or violence.
Rural women and girls who have few or no assets and who survive of less than $ 1.25 per day.
Rural male youth (14-35 years) who are marginalised and economically vulnerable.


Across our thematic programmes, we apply the following approaches: Performance based financing; Partnership with multi-level stakeholders; Localisation; Triple Nexus; Gender transformation; Ecosystem based adaptation; Human rights based approach; Gender responsive approach; Community managed disaster risk reduction; Community based targeting and Asset based community development; Value chain development approach; Media approach (radio stations); and Social inclusion approach.


National Christian Development Organization (NCDO0) is implementing emergency, recovery and resilience projects partners in Central Equatoria state. By mid of 2023, we organized and conducted Trainings of Teachers, rehabilitation of children with physical impairment (disability), improvement of school structures through construction of ramps etc, child assessment and referrals, provision of assistive devices for children with disabilities, Community sensitization and empowerment of government officials, parents and civil society organization.

By August 2023, NCDO supported more than 200,000 beneficiaries through its range of program activities implemented directly.

NCDO has its head office in Terekeka and one coordination office in Juba, South Sudan for South Sudan operations. With this presence, NCDO manages to maintain high level coordination with UN agencies, donors, and I/LNGOs as well as engaging closely with South Sudanese government at grass root, sub national, national levels and communities. Currently – by August 2023, NCDO has a total of 40 full time staff, and consultants.


NCDO South Sudan’s multi sectoral and integrated approach is community managed and focuses especially on the needs of children, youth, women and their households

Integration: NCDO South Sudan supports vulnerable communities of South Sudanese through a comprehensive and integrated approach covering projects in Food, Security and Livelihood, Health, Nutrition, Education and Life Skills, Protection, Gender, Resilience and Livelihood Recovery, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in order to ensure that children, youth and women and their households receive sustainable quality services. We work with communities and partners in South Sudan in the design and implementation of these projects.

Multi –sectoral & multi –level intervention to achieve resilience: NCDO South Sudan, while striving to meet the most urgent survival needs for those who are most distressed, we endeavour to lift poor households out from a vicious cycle of dependence and vulnerability by supporting them to build a productive, sustainable livelihood, increase access to basic goods and services, improve literacy and life-skills, promote gender equality, strengthen community mechanisms and support vulnerable members at the household level. NCDO (National Christian Development Organization) South Sudan works with South Sudanese communities, faith leaders and local authorities to create and cultivate an enabling environment for households to survive and thrive. This includes establishing community infrastructure, such as health facilities and schools, village savings groups and loan associations, building government’s service delivery capacity and advocating for policy and regulations that enable sustainable development and protection of society. There is also trust and support from our long-term donors to support the types of projects and programs (IAS from Civil Society in Development (CISU), EJW, Grundfos, UNICEF, OCHA/SHF Children and gets direct funding from WFP and Seed Company-USA) which NCDO South Sudan implements.

Our Main Achievements

--- We exist to serve ---

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Hai Jebel/Tarawa Juba – South Sudan



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